We are very thankful

We are very thankful

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What an amazing New Year!!

 Praise God for the many Miracles this New Year!

The past month has been filled with exciting strides of improvement. Jimmy is in great spirits and really enjoys smiling and laughing with family and friends. The nursing staff has truly been a great blessing and have been pushing Jimmy to do his best in all his therapies. The Courage Center continues to meet all his needs and is a great facility for his recovery.

During his Physical Therapy (PT), the therapist have Jimmy doing many different movements and activities to help build his muscle strength. They have him up on a standing board for 30 min sessions with two sitting breaks. The standing board in currently at a 75 degree angle and the final goal being 90 degrees, standing straight up. They are very impressed with his determination and effort. He also participates in a few balancing techniques, using a stability ball, almost like a wall sit, having two therapist holding him up for balance. Jimmy is still confined to a wheel chair, but attempts many times to push the wheels himself. He may be able to get a powered chair in the near future, allowing him a better quality of independence for movement in the Courage Center.

In Occupational Therapy (OT) they have regularly been working on an AM routine schedule every morning, giving Jimmy an opportunity to assist them in grooming and brushing his teeth. He has the ability to lift his arms and is starting to work more with fine motor skills, including pushing buttons and grabbing for small objects. Jimmy is getting better at using his spoon during meal times and feeds himself about 10 bites each meal, with some assistance. He is able to eat more solid foods now and really enjoys cookies.

The Speech Therapist enjoying making Jimmy laugh. Everyday they share jokes to break into therapy and it has been helping Jimmy talk a little more. He whispers many words and a few short sentences. They have been working on getting him to use his voice. He can read different jokes or short sentences/stories you put in front of him and has even taught us a few things about the English Language, including what nouns and adjectives are (being an English teacher). Jimmy has quickly answered simple addition and multiplication problems and can tell time on the hand clock. The brain is such a complex organ, but Jimmy seems to be answering small brain teasers correctly.

Jimmy's personality and sense of humor truly seem to be coming back more and more everyday. From the small smirks, laughs, eyes rolling, hand gestures and movements, all his characteristics are the same as usual. Everyday his recovery seems to progress and impress the staff, family and friends around him. He is able to give hugs, hold your hand and give you the biggest smile ever! Very soon everyone will be able to visit and continue to help Jimmy grow mentally and emotionally with all your hugs, story telling and unconditional love.

We have such a gracious God that can heal the sick and bring miracles into our lives. Jimmy continues to be that strong testimony shining for God's glory and he smiles every time you talk about it.

Praise God for it all and may you have a blessed New Year!!

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